I just finished to re-watch this movie on my pc!
I love so much awesome and terrible. I discovered Jared in this film for the first time,and I understood than he's so talented actor. Very amazing and disturbing it feel me very badly,and thanks for it I understand that I never want die for drug...the only one than make me scared. Really touching this is a great masterpiece,also as the special theme music! ♥
'Requiem for a Dream exposes four paralleled individuals and their menacing addiction to heroin, cocaine, and diet pills (speed). Taking place in Brooklyn amidst the waning Coney Island, the drugs are very easily obtained and keep each main character in its cycle of dependence. The protagonist Harry Goldfarb is your typical heroin junky with an ambitious plan of "Getting off hard knocks," with help from his cocaine crazed girlfriend Marion and his long time friend Tyrone. Meanwhile his widowed mother is obsessed with the glamor of television and eventually finds her way to a dietitian who pushes her into the cycle of drug induced enslavement.'
"My biggest challenge I regard role
of drug’s salesman in “Requiem for a dream”.
For be convincing, I really clamed.
I spent a week among drug addicts and homeless of New York.
I became one of them. I listened their terrifying stories.
In my attendance one girl fainted from overdose. One time I was robbed.
Other day, odd dirty man in rags hit me in face, I don’t know why."
₪ ø lll ·o.
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