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16 mar 2012


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 TOMO On Stage 

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Tomo & Vicki shopping 6th March 2012

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“You know it’s interesting. I have a lot of friends in business uhh..and I often see the art in their business and they don’t often see it. But I see the creative decision making uhh..I see that talent, I see the imagination at work, and essentially my belief is always we are here to live dreams no matter fucking what. And if I worked at a company, or corporation or if I was in a band, I would follow that know..uhh..advice or whatever, you know? I would probably operate the same way and I think that sometimes you have to, you have to bet on yourself, you have to always follow dreams, and you have to willing to fail. That’s what I say often in the studio. I say “let’s try and fail”. I have learned more from writing a bad song than I have from a good song. And often times making the wrong choice brings me to the best choice I would have never gotten to if I hadn’t have screwed up so badly. So I think those things as an artist to me, failure is a lesson and expected and uhh..maybe sometimes in the corporate world it’s such a scary thing to fail because your job’s on the line and in this world that we live in it’s so difficult and and I mean my God. I’m at EMI that’s where our deal is signed is…I can’t tell you how many people that have come and gone in the company in the years that I’ve been signed. I don’t know if there’s a single employee that’s been there the entire time. So I can understand that fear. But fear is not only a good thing uh…but…avoiding that is very dangerous I think. So being brave, having courage, following dreams, saying “fuck you” to everybody, and fighting for what you believe in.” *crowd cheers* “Yeah! C’mon!”

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Jared pics of Memories! ♥


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Jared photos by Terry!

From Terry Richardson' s Diary
March 16, 2012

Jared Leto on the street #1 
Jared Leto on the street #2 
Jared Leto on the street #3 
Jared Leto on the street #4 
Jared Leto on the street #5 
Jared Leto on the street #6 


March 16th, 2012

Ang @ArubaDreamer
A cougar was trying to steal my pop tart from me.

Silke Kueper @dreadfulshadow
I dreamt of a polar bear that wanted to bite my little son, swimming in a pool. So scary that I woke up immediately…

Natalie Jasper @nnataliejasperr
I watched a very well dressed man in a mask kill several girls in a cafeteria then proceeded to tango with me

Muriel L490 @MurielNobody
Recently I dreamed a tsunami was coming & I saw this huge wave & couldn’t do anything.

Elisa Taylor @ElisaEchelon3
I’m unbuckled on a plane that’s doing flips&dives & I hold on for life. It’s like I’m on a rollercoaster. I love it!

BartCubbinsSister @ElafromVenus
When I was a kid I had a dream about my mom being eaten by an ice bear. Scared the shit out of me.

dinosaurawr @lovemeporfav0r
i dreamt i was on my own funeral like “hey, what all you all crying about?”

My friend & I were on the roads,we lost the way and got to a village full of zombies.we couldn’t find the way out :-s

Pie ₪ ø lll·o. @Piewacket_
when I was a child I had a recurring dream of a hob nail boot in the clouds and rows of white cylinders floating out

Jessakah ‏ @XxJessMariexX
.. Had a dream that I found a turtle without a shell, I looked everywhere for a shell for the poor thing.

Nansy Kosma ‏ @NansyK85
had a dream with a strange shape airplanes passing in front of my house.They look like UFO!

Aika [Shen'ka] ‏ @Just_Aigul
Once I dreamed that I jumped into the waterfall. It was fun but scary. But it was amazing sense of freedom =)

Echelon ‏ @naiviv_echelon
Last night I dreamt that I had to shot some crazy zombies. Or they would kill me. I kicked their asses.

Jared’s armpit. ϟ ‏ @DreaminMars
I dreamed my two biggest fear together: deep water and my science teacher. She was a shark-teacher çwç

maybe? we will. ‏ @xgiulsonmars
I dreamt it was the last day of the earth ’til the end, I was thawing some miniature ppl hearing heartbeat: macabre!

Veerle Dieleman ‏ @veerdieleman
i had a dream once in which @ShannonLeto used a motorcycle glove to keep his glasses safe and you sat on it

kate o shaughnessy ‏ @katieshox
I had a dream once you were sitting in my kitchen,and I kept telling you to leave, Then you demanded a dinner.

Isabella Di Vella ‏ @Loveislouder00
Another dream I had last night, where my life was going wonderfully without too much trouble. It was just a dream i know..

CRYSTAL DAWN ‏ @crystaldawn369
was in a field of flowers, a man on a griffin took my hand & we flew above pink clouds, across the sea to Atlantis.

Timi Mofo c: ‏ @TimiJovi6277
really the craziest dreams ever are when I can’t speak or scream when someone is hurting me :|

Lindsey Greenan ‏ @Paisley_Scot
my dream was I lived inside a whale?? #SaveTheArctic . The craziness of the world has entered our dreams

Michelle Lyons ‏ @Michelle1174
I dreamt everyone had human bodies, but their head were made of clay and kept morphing into oversized insect heads

Tanya Mann ‏ @caliminion2
i dreamed i was in the early 1970s backstage at a Zeppelin show and i was hanging out with Jimmy Page. It was a trip.

Claudia ₪ ø lll ·o. ‏ @Linkin_Theorist
I’ve a lot of crazy/interesting dreams which make me try to decipher them. Some make me confused what is reality & what’s a dream

Patrycja ‏ @pattrycja
I dreamed that near my house, landed the plane, full of burnt people. It was horrible.

Lissa Fone ‏ @LissaFone
Stuck in a dark room. In front of me is a male silhouette. Can’t see anything but his eyes. Can’t touch or connect.

Nicole [DF] ‏ @nicolesmassacre
I actually had a dream last night that my cat was in the face/off competition and won. I woke up congratulating her.

my dream? I want to have superpower when i can get back in the time….and save my dad……

Sabrina Penz ‏ @sabrina_znep
I have to save people.. the devil is running after me and i can’t run away.. the funny thing , the devil is a cube

Cassie Hickmott ‏ @chickmott85
Being chased down an endless grey corridor of swinging doors by a burly bearded man dressed in a pink tu-tu…

I stood in the middle of the desert and somewhere in the distance playing music. I was approached by a man, and said that we ought to go. I looked at him. He was like a Buddhist monk. I went after him. A moment later I was in a lush garden with a guitar in my hands. And start playing Alibi. And then I woke up)i must be crazy..

Alina ₪ ø lll ·o. ‏ @Alina_Shadow
back tothe past and talk with great people who died:K.Cobain,M.Jackson.but thisCrazy dream Will neverBecome a reality

žeja. ₪ ø ≡ ·o. ‏ @kkiikkii13
that one, where you poured your coffee on mine new dress and started to shout, that you are sorry. kinda sweet…

Rona ‏ @R0naxD
8years ago I dreamed that I’m gonna b threatened & forced by terrorists to leave Baghdad. 2 weeks later it came true

Jessica H. ‏ @jessy_duke
u broke off a tooth, came to me in my dental practice.I was afraid to hurt u cause you’re so nice.Since I hear Mars:)

Alana ‏ @AlanaLeto
my last dream was about the new dates in Mars tour and you promised we would never again hear word SOON from you :D

EsméraldaLily ‏ @MacabreMelody
Funny dream today: you & I were warriors with some Echelon. Judas&Sky were there and another Husky with a Pomehawk :D

Anni, Muddafugga! ‏ @BlondieCubbins
One time I dreamed that I beat up my mom because she put my shirt in the oven. That was a weird dream!

Elizaveta Sapetina ‏ @FeminaVulgaris
At first my mom was dead, and then she was in a mental hospital. At the end of sleep, we fell out of the window..

Laura M.Echelon ‏ @Kiimyou
I had one crazy dream. I was in my bed and suddenly my soul go out of my body and I fly … Finally I woke up !

Preda†or ‏ @Fierce_Rebel
Couple years ago I saw a dream that I was in Croatia. Next year later I saw the same. Live. It was scary deja vu :D

Ana Oliveira ‏ @echelon_ana
Running away from my fears, but i wasn’t fast enough.

NiovannaEchelon ‏ @NiovannaEchelon
when I woke up at the morning I was serching my mobile phone to find that picture.It was so real :)

V. L. ‏ @VestigeOfMARS
Last night I dreamed I was flying over a huge green bird, that argued with me but can’t remember what!

I had the worst nightmare ever… In my dream I was the best friend of Freddy Krueger and we were so damn happy killing people! :/ but guess what? You were the next victim and I was like NOOO! I’m never gonna kill Jared! Then I killed myself but Krueger was still alive and I woke up!! But in the end… I guess he killed you :(

Water Storm ‏ @WaterStormy
I dreamed I danced until I died, I swayed until I cried I jumped until I flied ..

₪ ø ιιι ·o. ⇧ ‏ @Maria_Salvatore
i stabbed my father in a dream once! =O when i woke up, i was frigging terrified to go into his bedroom and check on him! xD#Dreamscape

Mithra2300 ‏ @Mithra2300
I was showing u a hair salon I found, w/ur head & red ‘hawk as the neon sign out front, & a store w/ur various hats@jaredleto

Sonja C. ‏ @veganbabu
I was watching A Beautiful Lie making of. Jared had blonde mullet and sleepy hawky at two different deleted scenes.

Nikyka ‏ @NikykaWay
my weirdest dream was when I dreamed I was runnin from some zombies on a derert island D:

Nina Mars₪ ø lll ·o. ‏ @dewx4life364
Scuba diving with Jared Leto as a shark approaches and watching him freak out lol

Eliane. crazyMOFO (: ‏ @ElianeEchelon
I was with in Paraguay, I was driving and suddenly I left him in the middle of nowhere..

₪ ø ιιι ·o. ⇧ ‏ @Maria_Salvatore
Ive fallen in endless black pits,been buried alive,eaten by zombies,swallowed by whales,and adopted by wolves,several times now!

pomegranate penguin⨺ ‏ @marsweirdo
I often dream that a tiger is following me running, all over my city and suddenly it disappears.

Sugar [Bec] ‏ @sugaronmars
I also had one I was trapped inside a glass cube in the middle of a high pedestrian area. Weird. I never got out!

Mary Summer Fink ‏ @Ohbabyfucktime
I dreamt that the women of my family had to run away in different places & I also had ’cause “they” were coming

Selina Kljajic ‏ @selinakljajic
I had an crazy dream last night! Everyone just behaved like dogs! Sniffing on everyone’s butt! Thank god I woke up..

JAAACK ʚϊɞ ‏ @jackelyneeLeto
I Dreamed that I was the only survivor of my family and I had to fight to live because they were all zombie Strange ⇧

ilje ₪ ø lll ·o. ‏ @WeirdNerrd
i was in a park, listened to operamusic, then Obama approaches me and gives me an alien.

Mouse ‏ @MalEchelon1235
I’m running through an empty warehouse covered thigh deep in mashed potatoes. Being chased by a tiger eating bastard.

Mrs. Nobody ‏ @Adry_L490
I had a dream where I was talking with a little girl & an old woman,they told me they were me in the past and future.

₪ ø Jenny lll ·o. ‏ @Jen6277
At the Mars concert.You took me on stage and told me to tap dancing.It’s really crazy but I did it xoxo

Kasia ₪ ø lll·o. ‏ @honest_to_god
I had a dream about my dad being a school principal and sucking out students brains… strange one

CirclesNeverEnd ‏ @ReikeEchelon
I had a dream where I was a flower and someone walked over me :/

lippylisa ‏ @LippyLisalou
Tall Ancient skinny man with wings and Dennis Menance jumper flew in my window making a noise like a screeching hawk

marie pritchard ‏ @mariepritcahrd
All i could think about last night was picking up grains of salt from the ocean :) xXx

L. Rosario ‏ @Author_LRosario
Had a dream last night I was back in school & told to draw a rose. I’m a writer not an artist, so pretty scary. #DreamScape

Adéla Jelínková ‏ @Adela_Jelinkova
In a dream about following a horse & seeing hangmen on trees and while walking back there were zombies from the tree.

Dilan Dawn Y. ‏ @braveand_insane
Got eaten by Sharks.

Džeja. ₪ ø ≡ ·o. ‏ @kkiikkii13
you came into my house and yelled-YOUNG LADY, YOU’RE GOING TO CLEAN ALL MY MIRRORS AND WINDOWS! and i was scared.:D

CoolSex ‏ @CoolSex
I dreamt of a man w/a beard yelling at me:”Watch out for 10:10!” Next day someone tried to steal my car. It was 10:10

OlgaBalakova ‏ @olgabalakova
I dreamt,around me was ghost moving glass of water and my godmother said that it has been haunting her for long time.

She´s lost control ‏ @dancetheday
Dreamed that I slipped into a man’s body to experience the physical feeling of a man during sex. I kid you not!

Sandra♛ ‏ @sandramithra
Sometimes I dream of the idea that the people stop destroying our planet and start to see the beauty of nature..

Laura Brass ‏ @xxLaur23Marsxx
I dreamt my dad& I were landscaping 4 a lady bt it was at my nan’s house,nxt thing I was eatin spaghetti in a theatre

Danielle ₪ ø lll ·o ‏ @Dannielle_1993
I once dreamt I was on mars, playing a guitar in a banana suit.

Jenni ₪ ø lll ·o. ‏ @jenniws
I’ve had this dream 4 times in last 2 weeks where i’m in a ship and it eather has sunken or i have jumped off of it..

Marina ·o. ‏ @Me_Marina
i was a rainbow fish with hands & foot hunted by big shark in a big aquarium (✿◠‿◠)

Christine Degabriele ‏ @krixxy1
too many times I have this dream that I’m going to a MARS Concert but I miss my flight every time. nightmare!

priya chotai ‏ @483oceans
I had a chocolate eating contest with my friend… even though I’m a vegan #wtf

Amy ‏ @marsismysaviour
i was in grand central station, NYC, and i was ordered to find a killer hiding somewhere inside. i was so badass.

Elyse ‏ @eriessi
REPETITIVE: Someone reminds me of something important I keep forgetting to do. When I wake up, I forget what it is.

Angie ₪ ø lll ·o. ‏ @angelik89
Don’t u dream about u’re trying to hit someone and u fucking can’t?? I’m not a violent person, but always dream that

Bella ₪ ø lll ·o. ‏ @bellaechelon_
In my weirdest dream I was a fish, I got eaten by a whale and then lived in a magical city inside the whale :)

LEby30STM₪ ø lll •o. ‏ @CrystalParlier
i dreamt I was sitting in the living room & this person was walking towards me on fire. Closed my eyes & said go away

Anja ₪ ø lll ·o. ‏ @DreamsMusicArt
I was living in a videogame and had to kill someone! The game started over every time I did until I spared her life.

ElixLeto. ‏ @eliechelon_
I go to other town & give free hugs to people there. Then I met an amazing guy who takes me to a road trip.

† Letticya Miličevic ‏ @Queen_6277
This afternoon I dreamed that my phone was ringing, plus the fact he was actually playing in real life

Emma DeFlumeri ‏ @EmmaDeFlumeri
i have a continuing dream I am trapped In a giant grey box that never ends & Donald duck is trying to kill me

Laura ₪ ø lll ·o. ‏ @_Laura_x
I wake up almost every morning and the first thing that comes into my head is, “wtf did I just dream of?!”

Anna D. ₪ ø lll ·o. ‏ @annaleto_MARS
Had a dream that I was running in the hospital in the dark from something and then it drags me back from behind.

GothySwe ‏ @GothySwe
I’ve lived 18210 crazy, dreamy nights so far (awake or asleep:D)) – too many to choose among! Mission impossible! xo

Montse ‏ @tufilandia
I have had dreams of sitting on the first pew at church in the nude.

Buddha For Lívia ‏ @livia_rabelo
I dreamed I woke up and was buried in a coffin .. I tried to leave but could not. Then turned me into a doll! HAHA ”

Alison Kearney ‏ @KearneyAlison
… someone was in my room and i was being choked. I couldn’t scream – too scared. When I woke I was choking myself

Dreamer Forever ‏ @Dreamer4everr
I dreamed I was walking in a river in the dark night and it was incredible. Looked like I was floating.

Letizia ‏ @MinervaMars
I often dream of swimming in murky and turbulent waters without reach the shore…do I have to be concerned? LOL

✿ ɱᎯરϓ-ĵᎯɴε ✿ @WildEnvy 
I dreamt that I was being chased by zombies that sang Taylor swift songs but looked like the Beibs. Worst dream ever.

Kelly Ray @KellyRay85
I had a dream once where my favorite band was being sued for 30 MILLION DOLLARS!!! Wait. . .

Tаtiа_Kova @Tatia_Kova
the craziest one was about huge gorillaz-aliens who invaded the Earth and we were trying to survive

Katt_Karminn @kattkarminn
when I tried to run from smb terrible, but I can’t run, my legs don’t listen to me. Brr

KIMbo @30stKim
I was investigating a murder, but the more I discovered, the more it became clear that I was actually the killer.

Alex Kea @alexedu7
A voice told me repeatedly: The Major Arcana marching north to south. Waking up I investigate and it makes sense.

Ririe @vincentvaleriec
I became a ghost.I talked to my granny’s ghost.She could read my mind n then she poo while I was talking to humans

The Punk Rock Girl @_MoniqueLealGD_
I was with my cousin into a castle with a lot of princess, and they eat dog food.

Stella P Budiarjo @Stelopi
being chased and mutilated by my former classmates who have turned into zombies.. -__-”

Yvonne Cooke @XxVampiredYvxX
I had a dream that I was dressed as Alice in wonderland & the Cheshire cat kept asking me if I could stand on my head

Jane Doe 6277 @HeavenIntoHell
my weirdest dream was when I fell asleep at school and then I woke up screaming.. The teacher took me to the principal.

Sonja/Lisbeth @syndfullhet
tday i had dream within a dream. It was pretty weird because when i woke up i realize that my brain is gonna explode.

SaraBreitfeld @SaraBreitfeld
I was on the beach, and nobody had legs, cuz they all walk with their hands, and also OVER the water!!

Layra @CloserToMars_
once I’ve dreamt that I were living at the bottom of the ocean in a sort of a house #WeirButBeautiful

Tom Marvolo Riddle @Maeubh
My school bus drove off niagra falls we all acted like it was the normal route to school. I don’t even live in the US

Rebecca ₪ ø lll ·o. @Bex717
Had a dream that I was awake but not awake but could hear these guys talking about taking my organs so they could sell them.

Martina A. @NovafromMARS
I had recurring dreams about my teeth: they became bloody and crooked and there was no way to put it back. Horrible.