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16 mar 2012

“You know it’s interesting. I have a lot of friends in business uhh..and I often see the art in their business and they don’t often see it. But I see the creative decision making uhh..I see that talent, I see the imagination at work, and essentially my belief is always we are here to live dreams no matter fucking what. And if I worked at a company, or corporation or if I was in a band, I would follow that know..uhh..advice or whatever, you know? I would probably operate the same way and I think that sometimes you have to, you have to bet on yourself, you have to always follow dreams, and you have to willing to fail. That’s what I say often in the studio. I say “let’s try and fail”. I have learned more from writing a bad song than I have from a good song. And often times making the wrong choice brings me to the best choice I would have never gotten to if I hadn’t have screwed up so badly. So I think those things as an artist to me, failure is a lesson and expected and uhh..maybe sometimes in the corporate world it’s such a scary thing to fail because your job’s on the line and in this world that we live in it’s so difficult and and I mean my God. I’m at EMI that’s where our deal is signed is…I can’t tell you how many people that have come and gone in the company in the years that I’ve been signed. I don’t know if there’s a single employee that’s been there the entire time. So I can understand that fear. But fear is not only a good thing uh…but…avoiding that is very dangerous I think. So being brave, having courage, following dreams, saying “fuck you” to everybody, and fighting for what you believe in.” *crowd cheers* “Yeah! C’mon!”

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