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25 apr 2013

Jared Interview at Cosmopolitan Italy

In occasione della presentazione del nuovo album "Love Lust Faith + Dream", la nostra giornalista Maria Elena Barnabi ha incontrato Jared Leto, e a scoperto che cosa ama delle donne il leader dei Thirty Seconds To Mars.

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Thirty Seconds To Mars - The new album and the confessions of Jared Leto

Love, lust, faith and dreams. These are the key words of the album marking the return of Thirty Seconds To Mars after 4 years from "This Is War" and the record-breaking tour (3 million viewers). Introducing a preview of "Love Lust Faith + Dreams" (to be released on May 21st, 2013) is Jared Leto, actor, director, but mostly singer and frontman of the popular poprock Californian band who will perform in Italy twice next summer, on July 13th (Lucca) and July 14th (Piazzola sul Brenta). In addition to talking about the new album and the collaboration with Dita Von Teese and Damien Hirst for the video "Up In The Air", Jared talks about his film projects and indulges in unexpected revelations about his past...

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JARED Interview with 'La Gazzetta' in Italy
24 Aprile 2013


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24 apr 2013

MARS Interview of memories ♥

MARS old school Interview 2002

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MARS Interview of memories ♥

MARS Interview on MTV 2002

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Spartacus: War of the Damned - Comic-Con Panel

Spartacus: War of the Damned - San Diego Comic-Con 2012 Panel.
Spartacus: War of the Damned coming to STARZ January 2013.
Jared Audio Interview with 1LIVE 24th April 2013

Jared Leto; afp

Jared Leto im 1LIVE-Interview


1LIVE-Reporterin Raphaela Jungbauer hat Jared Leto, Sänger von 30 Seconds To Mars in Berlin getroffen. Im Gepräch mit den 1LIVE-Moderatoren Olli Briesch und dem Imhof berichtet sie von ihrem Treffen.

JARED Intervista con 'Il Corriere della Sera' ♥

30 seconds to Mars: il nostro rock reinventato e un film nei panni di un trans

Jared Leto, leader della rock band e attore, annuncia il nuovo album Love, Lust, Faith + Dreams e il prossimo film Andrea Laffranchi - CorriereTV

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♪ My Daily Song!!! ♥

Katy Perry - Ur So Gay (MTV Unplugged)

Visiting Radio 105 in Italy
April 23rd, 2013

Farewell Coachella
April 23rd, 2013

Coachella 2013: James Blake
April 23rd, 2013

Coachella 2013: Pool Time
April 23rd, 2013

Crashing the hottest Coachella party. #UpInTheAir
April 23rd, 2013

Coachella 2013: Georgie + Me
April 23rd, 2013

Coachella 2013: Bright Lights
April 23rd, 2013

Coachella 2013: Secrets
April 23rd, 2013

Coachella 2013: Field Day
April 23rd, 2013

Coachella 2013: Kiss Kiss
April 23rd, 2013

Coachella 2013: Me + Jamie
April 23rd, 2013

Coachella 2013: Natalie + Jamie
April 23rd, 2013

Coachella 2013: Onesies
April 23rd, 2013

Coachella 2013
April 23rd, 2013

23 apr 2013

Alex McLeod’s Digital Landscapes
April 23rd, 2013

If you’re unfamiliar with artist Alex McLeod’s work, he creates candy-colored landscapes that look real but are purely digital creations brought to life with After Effects and other digital tools. The works are intricately-realised fantastical imaginings and McLeod has a new collection of these virtual wonderlands in an upcoming exhibition, called Outworld at the Angell Gallery in Toronto on April 27 to June 1.
They exhibition includes 3D printed sculptures, like a black pine sculpture consisting of 40 pieces, and digital prints. “I wanted to depart a bit from the work I was known for, but for it to still look familiar.” McLeod tells me. “I thought I could achieve this if I produced most of the work monochromatic, and included a couple rainbow pieces, rather than working within seasonal palettes.”

Inside an Active Volcano
April 22nd, 2013

Two Kyrgyzstan-based photographers, Andrew and Luda, run a joint Live Journal account where they post amazing photos of outdoor scenery, wildlife, and recently: active volcanoes. Earlier this year the duo trekked to the Kamchatka Peninsula in Russia where the volcano complex known as Tolbachik was in active eruption. Among the numerous hellish vistas photographed by the team was this deep volcanic cave that offered a glimpse of what it might look like below the Earth’s crust.

♪ My Daily Song!!! ♥

The Who - My Generation

Jared interview at Occupy Deejay 22nd April 2013

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OBEY THE GIANT – The Shepard Fairey Story
April 22nd, 2013

Landscape Photography by Roberto Sysa Moiola
April 21st, 2013

Italian photographer, Roberto Sysa Moiola has traveled through Europe, North and South America, the Caribbean, Africa, Asia, and captured the spectacular mountain landscapes all over the world since 2000. All his adventures are driven by his passion for nature and his interest in local peoples.

Grand Central by Adam Turnbull
April 21st, 2013

CMYK Halftone Prints Recreated by Hand
April 21st, 2013

The Human Printer is an ongoing art project by Stinsensqueeze (STSQ) who take photographs and manually create a CMYK halftone printing effect by hand. CMYK refers to the four inks used in some color printing: cyan, magenta, yellow, and key (black)—the application of which is usually determined by computers, not people. The process of applying each dot by hand as you can imagine is a painfully tedious process that requires not only a knowledge of printing but also plenty of forethought before beginning each piece. You can see a rough idea of the process in the video above.
The Human Printer was setup in 2009 by Louise Naunton Morgan and having setup a design studio with Stina Gromark, the project is now run by Stinsensqueeze (STSQ). According to their website they are currently taking orders, all you have to do is upload an image that meets their requirements, select a color process, and they’ll get back to you with a quote.

UP IN THE AIR by Bartholomew Cubbins
April 19th, 2013

April 19th, 2013

22 apr 2013


Thirty Seconds To Mars Teaser for UP IN THE AIR, directed by Bartholomew Cubbins.

For more information and to pre-order LOVE LUST FAITH + DREAMS, visit: •

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The Riff Ep 102 - Pop Quiz With Jared Leto

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Jared videomessage from Australia frontiertouring

Join the waiting list at

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Thirty seconds to Mars - La videointervista

Jared Leto presenta "Love, lust, faith + dreams", il nuovo disco dei Thirty seconds to Mars.

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JARED Videochat at Radio 105 in Italy, 22nd April 2013

Jared Leto in chat a 105: il video e le foto!

A Hollywood il leader dei Thirty Seconds To Mars è un'icona. Ma la sua anima è rock. Il maestro del trasformismo in diretta con Fabiola e Dario Spada.

"LOVE LUST FAITH + DREAMS", il nuovo inizio dei Thirty Seconds To Mars. Si chiama così, "Amore Lussuria Fede + Sogni", e arriverà il 21 maggio, il quarto album del carismatico Jared Leto e dei suoi compagni nella grande avventura rock (il fratello Shannon e il chitarrista e tastierista Tomo Mili?evi?) che dal 2002, anno della pubblicazione dell'omonimo album di debutto, li ha visti dominare le classifiche globali. In soli due lustri, i tre moschettieri del rock alternative californiano hanno raccolto un seguito di fan, i cosiddetti "echelon", che non ha precedenti nella storia, e che, complici i clip in rete (spesso diretti dallo stesso Leto), i singoli estratti da "A Beatiful Lie" (2005) e "This Is War" (2009), e una serie infinita di pirotecnici show, ha permesso loro di conquistare il Guinness dei Primati con il tour più lungo di sempre, oltre 311 concerti in 60 Paesi nell'arco di due anni. 

Il futuro? Il nuovo disco, LOVE LUST FAITH + DREAMS, prodotto ancora una volta dall'illustre Steve Lillywhite (U2, Rolling Stones, Peter Gabriel ecc..), illustrato dal creativo inglese Damien Hirst, e anticipato dall'hit-single Up In The Air, brano, questo, trasmesso in anteprima dalla NASA all'interno di una Stazione Spaziale Internazionale americana distante 230 miglia dal Pianeta.
Insomma, come ha spiegato Leto, tornato recentemente al cinema (Dove si è distinto in pellicole di primo piano come "American Psycho", "Fight Club", "Panic Room", "Requiem For a Drem" e "Sunset Stip") al fianco di Matthew McConaughey nel panni di un transessuale malato terminale di Aids in "Dallas Buyers Club", il nuovo disco è"molto più che un'evoluzione. E' un vero e proprio nuovo inizio.
Creativamente.. eccitante, inaspettato ed incredibilmente stimolante". Che presto diventerà un tour anche italiano, il 13 luglio al Summer Festival di Lucca, e il 14 luglio a Piazzola sul Brenta.

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