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10 mar 2013

Beauty Secrets of Jared Leto
March 10, 2013

Jared Leto, we remember not only an actor, musician and businessman, but also a real person, male perfume Hugo Red. GQ magazine Catching mnogostanochnikov and elicit answers to key questions about the beauty of the style of sludge that concern you and me. For example, as at 41 Jared manages to look 31. "I have still a lot of flaws, but alcohol is not included in them. I think the whole thing in a good sleep and diet. If you travel a lot and do not sleep, not last long, for sure. I lead a pretty healthy lifestyle, and I think it helps me a lot. I had been on the way: I am 20 years old vegan and generally take care of myself. This is, probably, and helps ensure that I was well preserved. "
We talked about the fact that Jared tried almost all types of hair on his head. "You have to want to make mistakes. I do not need to come to the office every day, in this sense I'm lucky. I also do not have to comply with any dress code. Usually my kind of film subject, in which I'm doing, or the tour, or some nonsense in my life. So I do not take it seriously. A couple of years ago I came to visit the photographerTerry Richardson , and said that I needed a haircut. I asked him if he wanted me to cut, and Terry gave me a mohawk. so the decision was quite spontaneous. By the time I cut myself a year did not do. "
It is clear that in this key advice on how to change the style Jared gives sweeping. "Shaved bald. Make a tattoo on his neck. I think the whole point is to be yourself - even if it needs to do some wild hair. Just be yourself and express themselves - and do not try to meet some other people and make them happy or to adjust to their taste. This usually happens when people do not believe in yourself. "

Another point that we all celebrated - love Jared to fashion shows: a frequent guest artist every Weeks' shows and sits, of course, in the front row. "Fashion show - it's a lot of fun, because all the extreme and energy, all the hard work to fit in 15 minutes. I remember I was at the Chanel show , Karl Lagerfeld in Paris, it was a mind blowing show - especially from my point of view, I do not understand so much in vogue. But even this can be seen for this skill, care and creativity. I myself as a performer make a show every night, so I wonder to watch as others do, they use light, music and sound. "
Jared still funny answer to the question, under what kind of music he plays sports. "I like to ride a bike, on every hill in the wild. Do not take with me an iPod, I like to listen to the sounds of nature. I use these points to get rid of the music. The part I'm writing music, I do not want to listen to it yet, and just. But I often listen to Sigur Ros and Fever Ray ".
Source: GQ
Photo: «GQ»


English translation by me

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